Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Savings Rates? I Got Your Saving Rates Right Here!

Genius, does not strike when you think it should. Genius will strike you when it god damned well pleases.

And genius is finicky.

For example, genius is not going to strike just any ol' dumb person. You more often than not have to be smart. Furthermore, genius is not going to strike people who are anticipating it. For example, your token liberals when they meditate, practice tai-chi, hold candle-light vigils or practice yoga. Oh yeah, like genius doesn't see through that farce.

These are idiots who are just begging for genius to strike them for just once in their lives. Sadly they all majored in sociology and feelings, and thus genius will never strike for they think "it will just come to me, huwaaaa huwaaaaa!!!!!!"

No, genius is much more meticulous than that.

Or at least it was last night. For if you were to have been with genius last night you would have been floating around up in the air over the South Western suburbs of Minneapolis. And at 1Am you could have had your pick of probably over 500,000 people, all awake, some of which certainly deserving of being struck.

But instead, you would have looked down onto highway 62, spotted a smart little convertible heading west and in that convertible would have been a very tired, and physically exhausted man making his way back to his nice humble home in the city. So tired that he would be the last person in the world that you'd judge to be receptive to genius.

But what they hey, strike him anyway.


So there I was, tired as hell, blasting Revco just to stay awake to make it back to my nice warm bed. I was in a suit and was so tired that I fully planned on sleeping in it. Furthermore I remembered I had done laundry and my highly economic and efficient laundry process is to pile all my clean clothes on my bed and put the dirty clothes on the floor. I'd have to burrow underneath the clothes.

Then it hit me. I wasn't thinking about it. I wasn't pondering anything related to it. But it just popped into my head;

"Hey, why don't we make extra principal payments on debt tax deductible? That would not only serve as a sort of tax cut, but would strengthen the country's fiscal position, and help to increase many people's credit rating. It'd also serve to keep most interest rates, short and long term low, thus attracting investment."

Again, genius strikes when it god damned well pleases.

So for the remainder of the trip back home I was contemplating all the benefits that might bring about.

1. It would serve to boost the dismally low savings rate we Americans have.

2. The aforementioned benefit of strengthening our financial position.
3. The aforementioned benefit of lower interest rates and the economic growth/investment that would follow.
4. It would lower the currently record high household and consumer debt levels we have.

5. It would put us in a supremely better position to handle the raping...err...I mean...wealth distribution...uh...umm...what I meant to say was fleecing...uh, no, that wasn't it either...oh I meant crisis...uh, no, shoot, Democrats say there's no crisis, ergo there must be none...hmmm...that "social security thing" everybody keeps talking about.

All these benefits and more just for being wise enough to incentive people to adhere to fiscal austerity. Pure genius!

It was such a good idea that I promised myself, first thing in the morning I'd tell my senator so that he'd realize the merits of this and submit a bill right away.

But I forgot that "genius is finicky." And genius "is not going to strike just any ol' dumb person."

Alas, it seems such genius would be lost on all of congress.

Well, it was good idea anyway.

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