Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Give It Away, Give It Away, Give It Away Now!

"Private giving to poor countries" is like giving money to my alcoholic, heroin addicted, felonious brother. It is largely pissed away.

Don't believe me? Well, just look at how much $600 billion in aid has helped Africa. And wow, that Live 8 crap sure did wonders didn't it? I mean, not one life has been improved, but we made a bunch of preppy spoiled brat suburbanites across the western world feel good about themselves!

Thus, whilst those on the left complain that the US does not give enough money as a percent of its GDP I'd like to point out two things with the following chart;

1. We give more private money than most of those in Europe who do the majority of the bitching.

2. The smartest people in this chart as far as I'm concerned are the Italians who know their money will be wasted and the most guilt tripped are the Norwegians who are stupid enough to piss away their money.

I'd also like to point out that it isn't always "poor countries" that need be the recipients of money to make it charitable. How interesting the left failed to pick up this data and parade it around;

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