Saturday, September 3, 2005

Some Good News and Some Bad News

I almost forgot.

The bad news is that my main day time gig has slowed down to the point that I'm looking at about 20 hours a week. This is during slow season, so I'm being driven slowly insane without any work (but is why you're getting such great posts and economic wisdom).

The good news is that I work a lot from home and my boss is cool enough that I'm now independently contracted.

The further good news is that (remember, this economy sucks now) I already found a job in a month of looking. God bless the US of freakin' A!

The uber good news is this combined with my consulting/dancing/fossil hunting that should start in a month, my old streamlined job and rental income, boo koo coin is coming in. It has never been better.

The bad news is that once this starts and I'm in busy season, this blog is going to suffer a severe lack of attention. So the posts are going to be a little more sparse and less verbose.

My apologies to the readership in advance.

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