Friday, December 5, 2008

Big Oil vs. Big Education

Goldwater's Ghost has a great point. If you look at the price of oil vs. the price of a college education, why is it "Big Oil" is the villain and not the spoiled brat college professors that request more and more money for progressively marginal educations?

He cites a report, which I perused, and poached this great chart which makes his point all that much clearer.

About the only thing I could add to this is beyond a 4 fold increase in the cost and nowhere near a 4 fold increase in quality, it is a pity that more and more students choose worthless majors. This basically makes education nothing as much as a vital tool to help poorer classes escape poverty and achieve wealth, but makes higher education a luxurious hobby for the upper classes. If all sociology majors, political science majors, hyphenated-American studies majors, etc. were wiped out, more resources could be poured into accounting, engineering and computers, bringing the cost down for these vital degrees and enriching many more Americans, particularly the poor.

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