Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Intellectual Aussie Titan Known as Frank

So there are two schools of thought regarding pr0n.

One, endorsed by the intellectual titan known as Frank is that "Pr0n is necessary to be profitble on the internet"

The other, endorsed by Captain Capitalism is that "Pr0n isn't necessary to be profitable on the internet."

What triggered my line of thought on this was that my stats seemingly have a near 1.0 correlation coefficient between hits to my blog and whether I have a picture of Wafah Dafour up or not. And while I'm not necessarily in it for the money, it sure helps my stats to have a babe next to my economics charts. Almost a Vanna White if you will, but instead of turning the letters on Wheel of Fortune the girls would be showcasing charts of equity only inflows into mutual funds as a percent of corporate profits.

Regardless, no, I hold firm to my belief that a blog that profiles emprical evidence that proves capitalism is the one, only and optimal economic system has merit enough on its own.

Then Frank mentions this post. A more recent post of his and the most popular post by far, resulting in now what is probably 4,000+ hits.


For the intellectual titan known as Frank has caught Captain Capitalism in a quandry. While adhereing to his love and affinity for capitalism, Captain Capitalism has made one gapping error. He has failed to recognize that the market is always right. No matter what reservations the Captain may have about throwing pr0n next to his pure and untainted charts, it still doesn't change the fact that;

1. Most economists are male
2. Most males are a bunch of horn dogs
3. Most males would rather look a skimpily clad knock out babe than a chart.

Alas, it seems more and more babes will have to be showcasing my charts.

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