Friday, September 2, 2011

Obama Speech BINGO!

A reader suggested this so I cannot claim to have come up with this idea.

Since nobody has an real incentive to listen to Obama's upcoming jobs speech because it will just be that, a speech, why not make it a fun drinking event?

First gather yourself the following types of booze;








Phillips 100

and of course


Each person will get assigned a bottle of booze and an "Obama word." Every time Zero mentions your word you take a belt from the bottle. The following booze-word combinations are such;

"Move this country forward" - Whiskey * just "forward" will also qualify

"Failed Policies of Yesterday" - Vodka * "failed policies" will also qualify

"Progress" - Tequila

"Community" - Gin

"A greater future" - Rum

"Come together" - Goldschlager

"Partisan politics" - Jeagermesiter

"Obstructionist" - Phillips 100

However, we save the Rumpleminze for a special part of the speech.

Anytime Obama says something flowerly about creating jobs, BUT DOES NOT MENTION AN ACTUAL TANGIBLE ACTION THAT WOULD BE TAKEN TO CREATE JOBS everybody takes a swig of the Rumpleminze.

I think most will be dying from acute alcohol poisoning by the end of the speech.

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