Friday, October 16, 2009

US Federal Budget Deficit as a Percent of GDP

Well, it looks like the federal deficit has hit an all time high, as well as an all time NON-WAR high in the history of the US. Not even during the Great Depression did we spend this much more than we had coming in.

However, I have actually had conversations with several liberals who blame Bush for this recession AND in the same breath said he did the wrong thing racking up those huge deficits. Of course when I point out that Obama is doing EXACTLY what Bush did with bailouts and deficit spending, ONLY 2-4 TIMES MORE, they oddly enough don't have a response.

This is of course because deficits under Obama are "good" and deficits under Bush are "bad."

You see, it's all very complex, and you idiots who weren't community organizers don't understand you can't hold Obama up to Bush's standards, let alone any standards, because you'd be a racist then. So, to recap the leftist position on US fiscal policy, I've improved the chart so you'd all understand.

I'm glad we cleared that up. And if any of you disagree with it, you're a bunch of nazi's.

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