Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dollar Reserves as Percent of Global Reserves

You see, when the youth of your entire nation major in sociology or philosophy or women's studies, NOTHING OF VALUE IS PRODUCED OR IS GOING TO BE PRODUCED and therefore your currency has NO VALUE because what are you going to buy with that currency?

Social worker services?
A screed against men?
A 23 year old pontificating about trees falling in the forest?

Yeah, right, countries are going to just buy up dollars so they can get their hands on that!

You see the Yuan has value because in China they produce, well, EVERYTHING YOU WANT.

Computers, I-pods, cell phones, building materials, clothes, you name it. Therefore there is VALUE to their currency because the STUFF you can buy with the Yuan is stuff people WANT.

What do we produce of economic value here?


Just whiners and spoiled brats.

This Economic PSA brought to you by Captain Capitalism.

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