Wednesday, May 6, 2009

They Were With Us Even Far Back as 1919

I have a theory about leftists, socialists, etc., and that is they don't have any employable skills and thus find crusades that take little to no work. In other words there aren't a lot of nuclear engineers that are socialists. But there seems no limit to the number of sociology majors who are socialists. Or PETA protesters that vote left (what does animals rights have to do with fiscal policy? Nothing, but it's not about the animals). Or environmentalists (again, logic would suggest there would be equal amounts of environmentalists between capitalists and socialists, indicating it's not about the environment, but their egos). Regardless, people who plain just don't want to work will go and find a crusade and join it so they feel good about themselves. And you must understand a crusade to create something of worth (a business, jobs, a work of GOOD ART, a new technology, etc) takes REAL effort, while a crusade to destroy something or simply protest against it takes no effort. Ergo why you will never see a leftist cause or crusade designed to build or create something of worth. It's always "against" something that already exists. Ergo, why I found this poster from 1919 very interesting;

Again, I doubt the women who were in the prohibition crusade were in it to get people to stop drinking as much as they were to make themselves feel better. Besides, if they really wanted to get men to stop drinking they wouldn't have made themselves the POSTER CHILDREN TO STOP DRINKING.

With those mugs it would only DRIVE men to drink.

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