Thursday, May 10, 2012

More on Dr. John "Jack" Kruse

Good Thursday afternoon my fellow inmates ...  Today is May 10th, Day 4 of the LC Cruise.  There have been a number of developments, so I thought I'd share some links and thoughts in one place for those who don't frequent certain blogs and websites and such.

First, I'm safe, sound, and have yet to be contacted by any legal authorities in this matter.  I suspect that if the FBI is even still involved in this case, it is probably to see whether Jack himself was involved in the whole sordid saga and what part one Kevin Cottrell may have to do with it.   I don't know when Cottrell uploaded the unsigned letter from Carnival to Scribd, but the Harkness' posted a slightly different copy of the letter they blogged was received on May 8.   It seems awfully suspect that there would be a PDF of such a file floating around, and I'm no e-doc specialist but Cottrell's letter does not appear to be a scan.  In the properties, the document was created on May 7 at 7:58:52 pm.  I find it suspect that the document has no security, is not digitally signed, or created by anything of an official title, etc.   The Harkness copy appears to be a picture taken of an actual letter that you'll note is signed.  Given that internet on cruise ships is very expensive, so few passengers purchase it, it is highly doubtful any passengers would be officially contacted electronically.  Things not adding up here, though the story is that it was through FB that Jack reached out to a Carnival exec who fixed things by (a) issuing the letter so customers would not hold Carnival responsible for missing one of speakers they paid to see, and (b) made the offer to fly him to Montego Bay.  The different letters are because Carnival shared a draft with Jack (who shared it with Kevin).  I still think this seems fishy, others I've been in contact with feel it's legit ... passing along for the masses ;-)  If it was just a draft, this dastardly duo should have refrained from making that public until the final had been distributed to passengers.  Lots wrong there.
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