Monday, January 9, 2012

"I Have My Masters Degree"

Going through the Leykis archives and happened upon this one. (If you listen around 1/3rd the way through a caller that is probably my twin called in and made some good points.)

This is a very important lesson, not just for the girls out there, but the boys as well if you're contemplating going to college. In short, if you're going to blow all of your money and youth on a degree, then don't become a stay at home parent. If you're going to dedicate that amount of time, money and effort into getting a degree, NOT TO MENTION THE TAX PAYER SUBSIDY AT PUBLIC COLLEGES, then you damn well better not decide to "become a stay at home mom/dad." You better pay back society the resources you just consumed.

I had a buddy who got her masters degree in biology a while ago. I figured she'd go onto pharmaceuticals or the medical industry.

Nope, just went right into becoming a stay at home mom. Never worked a day in the field.

Of course the Minnesota state taxpayer subsidized her costly 6 year "exercise" in getting a degree. But, of course, they won't see one red cent in return because this was after all, nothing more than a very expensive hobby.

College is a very expensive and progressively risky thing kids. Please figure out what you want to do before you not only waste your time and money on it, but the taxpayer's as well.

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