Friday, February 15, 2008

Recession Time

Many years ago I worked at the police department on campus to put myself through college where they had this kind of "campus cop" program. There we'd patrol campus, do building security and a whole host of other various security duties, but when Christmas time rolled around the campus was dead. Absolutely nothing going on as all the students had left. Thus you'd be patrolling a graveyard of a campus with absolutely no action to speak of, so we'd come up with songs to stave off the insanity. Songs such as "Zone Patrol"

"It's Zone Patrol

Yeah, zone patrol

Fetch me a scotch and a kaiser roll.

Protect the campus while you take a stroll.

Listen to guys talk of Robert Dole

Just let me outta here, I'll sell ya my soul

Cause it's zone patrol

Yeah, zone patrol."

Other such toe tappin' ditties like "Wilson Gate" "Williams, Nothing More than Williams" and "Check Out Time" were created by many a men on many a patrols. They never went platinum, but they were still popular with the kids.

Regardless, I think it's time for a new song given this latest Jim Dandy chart;

"Recession time

Yeah, recession time

Hey, fetch me a scotch with lemon and lime

Buy me a beer with a quarter and a dime

Listen to dat kid make dem stupid rhymes

Now don't you bitch and don't you wine

Cause it's recession time,

Yeah recession time."

(This was a heavily plagiarized version of the song "Check Out Time")

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