Thursday, January 17, 2013

"If It Just Saves One Life"

Permit me to go out on a limb here and point out something that is factual, but politically incorrect.

Oh, I know, I know.  How dare I point out truth when people's feeeeeeeelinnnnnzzzzz are at stake, but I'm frankly too damn tired and too much of an adult to care.  So the rest of you can suck it up or go to hell.

What is the value of a human life?

Many years ago when I was stupid and young, I tolerated dating this evil woman because she was hot and gorgeous.  She also happened to be in insurance and told me one time that significant moral issues arose when it came to instances of paying out life insurance.

Specifically, what precisely is the value of a human life?

Well, actually, it depends.  And actuaries have gone to great lengths to develop formulae and algorithms to determine it.

If you're a surgeon insurance companies pay out more in your death because obviously you are going to produce more and contribute more to society than an "aspiring rap artist."

If you're an aspiring rap artist, then chances are you have a negative NPV because you're most likely engaged in thuggery, parasiting off of the taxpayer, the drug trade, and mayhaps, even murdering other people.  Besides, chances are the concept of investing in something like "life insurance" wouldn't even occur to you.

But in general she said the value of a human life, economically, was roughly $1 million.

This was back in the 90's and a recent search on teh interwebz shows it to be around $2 million.

That's the facts Jack.

Each person produces economically about $2 million.

Now I do not wish to become so callous or macabre, but this should be mathematical proof than any time some whinny leftist says,

"If it just saves one life, then it's worth it!"

Uh, actually, no it's not, and I'll prove it to you in the most politically incorrect way possible.

26 kids/people died unnecessarily and tragically at the Connecticut shooting.  You take 26 people and multiply it by $2 million, you get $52 million.  With Barack Hussein Obama's recent proposal to spend another $500 million, that means an economic loss of $448 million to the taxpayer.  And if we're supposed to believe the leftist tripe "if it just saves one life" then each person's life is worth $500 million.

So let's do some simple math, shall we?

310 million Americans times $500 million dollars equals...


That is precisely 10,000 times (if I counted the zeroes correctly) THE SIZE OF OUR GDP.

In other words the math and economics just plain doesn't add up.

You sadly cannot tender the argument, "if it just saves one life, then it's worth it" because if you did you would be ENSLAVING THE ENTIRE POPULATION OF THE COUNTRY TO TEN THOUSAND YEARS OF SERVITUDE.

You wouldn't just merely be taking a person's life away, you would be taking their life away A MILLION TIMES OVER.

I like to refer to this as "economic murder"...just 10,000 times over.

Leftists and liberals have no problem forcing you to work 14 years of your life to support other people.  You don't care about it of course because we have a weekly payroll tax and you never stop to calculate how much of your finite life you spend working to pay the taxes to pay for other people to live.  But if you did take the time to turn off American Idol and calculate your servitude, you'd find that about a good third of your working life is spent slaving away for other people.  That right there is unacceptable, but when a mindless, pissant, worthless liberal tenders the argument,

"If it would just save one life"

then they are saying you not only need to pay more than 33% of your working life, but

1.  Increase your life expectancy by 10,000 fold
2.  Dedicate your entire production and work to other people
3.  Increase your production by 10,000 fold AND still forfeit all of it to taxes

In other words their entire argument is impossible bunk and is a sure fire sign you're dealing with (in the case of a politician) an intellectually dishonest person or (in the case of a math-impaired trophy wife soccer mom who just "thinks of the chillllldreeeennnn") an idiot.

Sorry to be blunt, but what are you going to do about it?  It's mathematically true.  Us adults are sick of your naivety, we're sick of your idiocy and ignorance costing us and resulting in ineffective policies, and we're not tolerating childish arguments anymore.  File you're complaints with the Department of Reality.

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