Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ladies Night at Cappy's Club

Just so you know, we don't let no average ladies in at the Cappy Cap Club.  We let only the most beeeyooteeeful, INTELLIGENT ladies in.  Our standards are very high.  So boys, you damn well BETTER click on EVERY SINGLE LINK!  Because every one of these ladies deserves your undivided attention!  Beside, lord knows you might learn a thing or two. 

Sometimes I worry that if the Manosphere does its job too well, then we will get men and women to be true to themselves, admit and CELEBRATE (read - hot greasy monkey sex) our differences, and then, sadly, like the veterans of WWII we leave Europe, happy to go home, but kind of sad to lose the comradery.  But then again, it looks like this war is going to last at LEAST another generation.  Lock and load boys.

ADHD, ADD, DHADHDD, Adult DHDD, Autism, OR, is it just "I'm a crappy parent and blame my child's behavior on whatever fad disease the public schools concoct this week."  In my day we had a remedy for that.  It was my father's boot and it was a hell of a lot cheaper than a government social worker paid $250,000/yr and a pension that would make a UAW

Even the black community I think would agree with this one.

"I am pro-Boobies, and have been pro-boobies during my entire political career, senator.  I will CONTINUE to be pro-boobies, and will continue to vote pro-boobies, not because it is a political move, but because I am an honest man, a real man, and a statesman.  Let it be clear I shall not waiver from this platform."

Kids, listen to me.  There is a SCAM for your precious little tuition dollars.  They don't care about you, they care about your money.  Listen up, wise up, and make sure these "elders" that are supposed to be caring for you don't screw you over instead.

Your kindness, support and love does NOT go unnoticed.  All we men ask is you wonderful women that choose to SUPPORT us instead of NAG/BERATE/LECTURE/....oh hell.... I would come up with a million other adjectives, just keep doing it.  You'll be the ones we protect when the sh$t hits the fan.  Not Mzzzz. Hyphen-Ated Named chicky babe with a Masters in Liberalartscrapthatwillgetusnowherewithoutagovernmentsubsidytogiveusmakeworkjobswhilstwelorditoverotherpeopleandclaimwe'reindependentwhenwe'rereallynotandjustrelyingonthetaxpayertopayforourmakeworkjob.

Is there anything hotter than a motorcycle riding, champion dog showing, conservative gun owning babe, that knows her bond ratings?  I think not.

A billion people sent this to me.  She will get credit for it, because she is beeeyoootiful.

IMPORTANT- These are the ladies that were forefront in my mind.  If I excluded you, it was NOT on purpose.  I also DEMAND you e-mail me and let me know if you were left out of the club.  The Captain refuses no pretty ladies of the conservative, libertarian or Manosphere stripe.

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