Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Proof Cain is the Best Candidate

Understand this and understand this well.

The reason Cain is getting assailed and assaulted is because he IS the best candidate out there and would surely trounce Obama. Do you remember "Operation Chaos?" Rush's effort to get Hillary nominated because she would do worse than Obama against McCain? This is the same thing.

The fact the MSM doesn't even list Cain below (but Jon Huntsman???) shows you they KNOW he is the front runner and the most viable candidate. They have to convince you otherwise.

I just don't know how much clearer I can make it.

You can contact CNBC and ask them the question I did:

"Why, if Cain is nothing but headlines news when it comes to sexual harassment and affairs, is he not even noteworthy when it comes to his candidacy."

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