Sunday, November 20, 2011

Her Life Was More Important Than Her Son's

I embedded this post here so that only twitter and feed followers will find it.  Not out of shame or anything, but in that I do not want this to seem that I am capitalizing on a tragic event that has recently unfolded.  At the same time out of the (now) 6 premature deaths of people I either knew personally or knew of, 5 have been suicide, all under 40 years of age.

Without going into details somebody I know of (not personally know) committed suicide.  Young kid.  We'll leave it at that.  However, there is no doubt in my mind that mom was directly to blame for this poor child's death.  She divorced dad when he was just a kid.  Made sure to cheat on dad too before the divorce.  Drugs, booze, and let's not forget dating the likes of drug dealers and "amateur rappers" instead of helping raise junior. 

Do all children who commit suicide do it because of mom?  No, of course not.

Would not the same thing happen if dad was just as bad.  Yes, of course.

The point is to highlight the blinding arrogance and greed of "parents" who bring children into this world and find said children too much of a burden to raise properly and thus have no problem divorcing, or just outright abandoning those children.

Sadly, sometimes, this is the price.

I don't care what some feminist communist asshole told you in college or what tripe your read by some spoiled brat in Cosmo, children need both parents.  And they need both parents to have their heads out of their asses.

Enjoy the decline.

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