Wednesday, April 13, 2011

From Xena (Letter 6)

Xena - A 6 1/2 foot transsexual and Wiccan priest. The charismatic leader of Cult Of Xena (COX). Tattoos include a wasp on Xena's penis and ant trails running up "her" legs. Cut off a testicle and almost bled to death.

Dear Shaun,

I love and miss you so dearly! I have no good excuses for not writing to you. You are truly so beautiful a man, and I am just tired of doing time. I am deep within this hole. It is dark here and cold. Yet when I look up, I see light. So I reach up, so that I may be able to feel its strength. I stretch my full length, yet my fingers freeze, for a cold shadow surrounds my body. The strength of light is just out of my grasp. I know that I still have a decade to go before I can get out of here. I fringe along the edge of madness.

Shaun, I am your friend! You are my family! You have shared your dreams with me, and to no one else have you confided such confound secrets. I have done the same. And I still am doing time in this dreadful place! Is my mind strong enough for the last decade? I question my own sanity so many times.

I watch people in here, and I see their habits, and I realise that we are all structured the same way. Yet too many people I have known for too many years have cracked, and are now just shells of who they once were. They just cannot take the pressure of doing so much time.

I promise though when my time is over, Xena will reign over once again her faithful COX masses, and then conquer.

I truly love you!



The pictures are art by Xena sent with the letter.

Click here for Xena’s previous letter.

Our friends inside appreciate your comments.

Email comments and questions for Xena to or post them below. To post a comment if you do not have a Google/Blogger account, just select anonymous for your identity.

Shaun Attwood

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