Friday, April 15, 2011

Bush or Obama to Blame for Deficit

I've avoided talking about the deficit among other economic issues because essentially I've come to the realization that neither evil nor ignorance adhere to any intellectual honesty.

For example, say you are ignorant. And I come up with a chart showing you that spending per pupil in the public schools has no correlation with performance. Physical proof right there that more spending does not equal better education. And you choose to disbelieve me or my figures and write it off as some statistical quirk and continue believing in your religious ideology. What was the point of showing you the chart, let alone doing the research to show it to you?

Or, say you are evil. You know full well more spending doesn't equal better education, but you don't care because you benefit from having more money spent on education. However, you can't acknowledge that fact, so you lie to everybody even though deep down inside you know you are lying just to extract more money from them. I could show you charts all day, prove to you time and time again, but since you are evil and have no problems denying reality so you can benefit from it, you will knowingly find excuses as to why the chart is the way it is.

In either case, I simply waste my breath and finite life because it's only going to be a disastrous collapse of the system that will convince you otherwise. But for posterity's sake I am going to document one small issue here so for those of us who do have intellectual honesty, we can KNOW for a FACT what the reality is.

In short I wanted to know who was to blame for the deficits we have now that ARE going to destroy this country. I knew intuitively by looking the general deficit figures who is to blame, but you know liars and ignorants, they'll come up with whatever they want to believe. I want to KNOW.

So even if you go with the premise Bush is to blame for the economy and dropping revenues, how far did revenues drop? Well, going from the PEAK of federal revenues to the absolute trough, Bush can only be blamed for a drop of $480 billion (and that is ignoring the FACT that revenues still dropped under Obama's watch, but I'll just give that one to the left).

And what are the current deficits today?

Eh, $1.4 trillion.

This leaves roughly $900 billion SQUARELY in the hands of Obama (per year I might add).

Now, this ought to tell you who is to blame for our current fiscal crisis. And it should provide context to when he spews his unicorns and ponies blather about actually going about solving the deficit problem.

The only question is if he's evil or ignorant.

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