Friday, October 17, 2008

Not Another Baby Boomer Drama

OK, seriously, you remember the movie "Not Another Teen Drama." It was a mockery of the 1980's, John Hughes movies that were essentially pointless, but drew a crowd because it played to spoiled little brats teenagers' psyches in the 1980's.

Is Oliver Stone's movie any different, except it's for the Cialis crowd?

I ask this as a serious question, would anybody but a Baby Boomer go see this? And perhaps the question needs refining, because not all Baby Boomers have no lives. Some of them have moved on and done something productive. Ergo;

Would any NON-burnt out hippie-loser-recreate-1968 Baby Boomer see this movie?

I've heard of Oliver Stone, I know he made some movies, but you know, the best movie I've seen in a while has been Hitman, and since then, Die Hard. Oliver Stone directed neither. And while I know those in control in Hollywood are the old guard of burnt out blunts, and somehow think this is a great film (or at least worth pissing away millions in advertising) couldn't you burn outs just have forwarded a couple e-mails to tell the other 250 '68 Re-enactor nerds that there was this really cool movie coming out and instead spent the millions on a charitable cause or create a college fund or something?

Just throwing it out there.

Seriously, what compelled anybody to think this was a movie? This shows you just how out of touch people are in Hollywood where "W" is somehow considered a viable movie. GW isn't even out of office yet. GW, aside from invading Iraq, is in reality a really milquetoast president. He is not Teddy Roosevelt. He is not George Washington. He is not a compelling figure. Ergo, the fact a movie was made about him was more a testament to those who wanted to make/watch a movie about him, which is frankly pathetic.

Seriously, it's like a generational version of a family forcing guests to sit down and watch home videos of a family's trip somewhere or another that nobody cares to watch. Worse still is the host doesn't realize nobody gives a damn but them or about the stupid movie.

Regardless, though I disagree with practically everything Obama stands for, if there is one shred of silver lining about the Obama campaign is that it does signal "change" in that the old guard of crappy 70's. 80's, 90's and 00's Boomer dramas is beginning to end. That Oliver Stone's movies will soon be relegated to being shown in nursing homes.

In the meantime the rest of the conscious world will be watching Iron Man or Hitman or the latest James Bond flick.

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