Monday, July 7, 2008

Who to Blame for the Housing Crash

So there was a news article I saw on Yahoo, "Who to blame for the economy." Apparently there's a web site that allows the "market" of people to play the blame game.

Now, the facts are this, these are the people to blame for the housing crash;

1. Sub prime borrowers
2. Greedy bankers, mortgage brokers, mortgage lenders, etc.
3. Incompetent banking management

That's it, I'm sorry, that's the real world and it is that simple; People who are financial deadbeats and those that were stupid enough to lend them the money in the first place.

Alas, you can sympathize with me and my hopelessness about battling ignorance when you read the "comments" section below which belies the true intelligence of the American public and makes "Jay Walking" with Jay Leno, not a staged event. Here are some samples;

BLAME, I blame all the large corporations who send all there manufacturing overseas and failure to take care of the consumers by providing jobs here in the states. Then we can also look at the war, the president, oil prices, housing, There is to many factors to blame just one thing.

Yahoo! Finance User - Monday July 07, 2008 10:39AM EDT

Bush is the number one economy killer...6 billion a month for a unwinable war!!! Oil Monger!

Yahoo! Finance User - Monday July 07, 2008 10:41AM EDT

aaron task & the media

Arthur M - Monday July 07, 2008 10:43AM EDT


tiago a - Monday July 07, 2008 10:47AM EDT

Alan Greenspan & MF of OPEC

evanbubbafoster - Monday July 07, 2008 10:48AM EDT

Congress and their ability to not care about anyone but themselves.

j s - Monday July 07, 2008 10:50AM EDT

Nancy (devil eyes) Pelosi and Borat Obamar

rlhoman - Monday July 07, 2008 10:51AM EDT

Alan Greenspan and his fellow bankers. Greed is king.

lade - Monday July 07, 2008 10:52AM EDT

Blame the mis led war. Country has spent over trillions on war instead of on its people. It is easy to blame outsourcing of manufacturing and service, where has the innovation been. Americal always innovated that is not true in today's day and age. May be someone needs to think of outsourcing innovation to other countries. We are still dependent on foreign oil. Back in 2001 there was a great push towards alternate energy, with the war euphoria, and the expectation that US will conquer Iraq the gas prices will drop to 50 cents. Well non of those happened and the reality is every one got affected.

invbanker81 - Monday July 07, 2008 10:52AM EDT

That's right, D.... The economy absolutely needs to be paying much more for the products that we buy so cheaply from China, India, and the likes. Maybe pay more for the computer that you are typing on. Just a thought...

stork2474 - Monday July 07, 2008 10:53AM EDT

Bush has killed the economy by wasting 1/2 Trillion dollars on a war that can't be won and never ends.

you - Monday July 07, 2008 10:53AM EDT


cherly.gerber - Monday July 07, 2008 10:54AM EDT

Yahoo! Finance User & Arthur M - Your clueless if believe Bush and the Republicans did this by themselfs, Name me a single issue tha you blame them for it and I'll show the Democratic blood all over it.

Rico - Monday July 07, 2008 10:54AM EDT

Cheney and his OPEC Cartel

bigdaddyreid - Monday July 07, 2008 10:55AM EDT

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Greed!

b2u_today - Monday July 07, 2008 10:55AM EDT

Greedy politicians and us fools who keep re-electing them.

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