Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ich Sprechen Kein Deutsch

I took two years of college German. Why? Because the University of Minnesota needed a way to employ all these people who major in a foreign language but don't have jobs, that's why.

Seriously, unless you're going to become a translator, then there's no reason to require TWO YEARS of a foreign language at any university. Heck, we shouldn't even be teaching languages in high schools. Seriously, how much time did you waste learning a pathetic amount of Spanish or German or French and imagine how much better you would have been served had you instead been forced to student personal financial planning, 401k management and so forth?

In any case, my German is now relegated to phrases from the video games I play, like;

Runt fur ihre leiben, die Amerikan hatte ein panzerfaust

Vehrzingung, aber sie hat ihre grenate vergessen.

Gutten tag, fraulein, schones. Ich bin der Kaptain auf Kapitalismus.

And other such handy phrases.

And I'm sure they're not even spelled right.

Regardless, it was nice to see a jim dandy chart located in one of our German brother's websites;

I can't read the darn article, but this is why charts are so beautiful. You don't need to speak a language to know what they're saying. They're kind of like dogs or "hunds."


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