Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Making It Difficult to Be Against a Progressive Tax System

I am as ardent a supporter of capitalism as there will ever be.

I largely view the majority of people's circumstances in the developed and free world as a product of their work ethic and drive. I largely view the developed world as meritocracies where you get what you deserve. I was dirt poor and I couldn't care less about your problems because I've been there and chances are you haven't.

But then this happens.

And it becomes insanely difficult to defend my position to be against the redistribution of wealth.

At what point does your moral compass kick in and say,

"You know, for $210,000 I could do a LOT of good in the world. I could put some poor kids through college. I could get some tutors for some kids that have trouble at school. I could pay for single parents to get some training or college or have their children get day care while they get some schooling." Or something of noble worth you could do with $210,000.

But $210,000 FOR DRINKS?????

Come on!!!!! WTF???? Wouldn't you feel a bit better about yourself if you donated it to a charity? Or heck, just threw it out into a street and made a bunch of normal schleps happy? Hell, I'd pay somebody's mortgage off just for kicks. But no, you're going to spend it on booze. And on booze, that frankly, probably tastes no better than a cold Sam Adams.

Forgive me while I feel a little socialist for a while.

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