Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Century "College"

Good f#cking christ.

I do not normally like cursing, but seriously, sometimes there are no other words in the entire English language that suffice to convey your utter disgust and contempt for something. And this is one of those instances.

Friend sent this to me;

And I have three major questions.


2. How can "Century College" dare to require you to have a MASTERS DEGREE IN READING to teach their presumed idiotic students something so simple as to HOW TO READ?

3. Isn't it kind of pointless for you to be going to a FREAKING COLLEGE if you're NOT EVEN LITERATE?????

My god, what in ef's name is the educational system in America coming to? This should be posted all of the internet in foreign countries to mock and ridicule us into international SHAME.

"Look at American college students! They're so freaking stupid they don't even know how to read. And not only that, you can actually MAJOR in READING. And NOT ONLY THAT, YOU CAN GET A MASTERS DEGREE IN READING!!! No wonder their PISA scores are so low!"

Besides which, isn't reading or literacy an either "yes" or "no" kind of thing??? Like you either read or you don't? You're either literate or you're not? Since when did it become a "study" or a "field?"

All this is, is the educational establishment milking as much money out of anything they can and keeping their cartel-lock on education where they require you to have a MASTERS degree to teach something as elementary as reading.

Think about this in comparison. You an get the "Rosetta Stone" for what, $50? And that will teach you how to read and write in SEVERAL foreign languages. Heck you can teach yourself how to read with a dictionary and a thesaurus, BOTH ONLINE FOR FREE!

But no, according to Big Education (akin to Big Oil) we need a person to spend 6 years of their life studying "reading" so they can teach it to other students who are paying around $300 for a class on reading. When all is sad and done, the money spent on getting a masters degree and the money spent on the class, comes to what? On the cheap side at least $30,000?

Good lord, next thing is going to be a masters degree on breathing...which I think St. Thomas offers.

POST POST - As some of you have commented speculating that this is probably an ESL position. I ask you then again, "WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE IN COLLEGE IF THEY CAN'T READ ENGLISH??????" It only reiterates my point. Whether you're a native American (meant in the literal sense) or a foreigner, YOU STILL HAVE TO BLEEPING READ FREAKING ENGLISH TO GO TO AN EFFING COLLEGE!!!!

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