Monday, June 30, 2008

People Aren't Saving Enough for Retirement

There are times I wonder whether I should just become a ward on the state, live off the taxpayer and not try anymore. Seriously, it gets as bad as that at times. And the reason why is I think a critical mass or a critical percentage of the population is doing so, and by "critical mass" I mean enough to tank the rest of society, so why even bother. Why not just become sub prime slime and take out all the money on my house, blow it on a fancy car, and booze it up and go to Vegas. And then send the keys in the mail to the bank saying, "sorry, repossess, I don't care anymore." And then go live off the dole.

Oh, wait, that's right, I'm not a socialist. I actually support myself.

That being said, my self-reliance and true manliness of self-supportation does not dull the pain, nor lessen the anger when I see data like this;

Apparently, that vast majority of Americans do not have enough saved up for retirement. And by default, then, must be expected Daddy Government to come in and save them.

The question is, with what?

Social security?

So here's what I want all real men and women to do. If you're interested go to this web site which will help you calculate what you need to retire. Then compare it to the above chart. And then rack your brain trying to balance your desire to be a real American and support yourself or to just capitulate and go the route of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Anyway, another great article from The Economist.

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