Monday, June 6, 2005

The Times When Republicans Were

It was on my flight out to scenic San Francisco that I had the time to catch up on the three neglected issues of my favorite periodical. And whilst reading the back issues I happened upon this hilarious picture which reminded me why I’m no big fan of George Bush.

For if George Bush was a true Republican, then he’d be more fiscally conservative. Alas he is not. For aside from the war (which I’m for) he’s still managed to blow wads of taxpayer’s money on frivolous social programs/causes, including the $50 billion education bill, another $15 billion for fighting AIDS in Africa, and let’s not forget that minor little $800 billion (AND RISING) boondoggle on Medicare (yes, all frivolous, don’t get into it with me).

All of this (and more) has increased government spending as a percent of our economy from 18% to 19.5% (as of 2003). This may not seem like a lot, but keep in mind this is while the economy was growing by leaps and bounds. i.e.-government spending under GW has increased faster than the economy has been growing. The result? GW has only been outspent by LBJ and his idiot-mollifying, vote-bribing policy called “The Great Society.”


But this behooves the question that has been plaguing me for some time; “why does the left hate GW so much, and herald Bill Clinton as their god, when the opposite should be true?”

Alas, perhaps I am foolish in assuming democrats do as they “should” or adhere to some sort of logic…alas, perhaps I may also be foolish in thinking that people in general look at these charts.

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